
Freedom from Sexual Consequence

The current scandal involving the United States Marine Corps is the direct result of a society that holds Freedom from Sexual Consequence as an inalienable right.

For those who are catching up, apparently various Marines posted photos they received from ex-wives, ex-girlfriends (if you count one night stands), or former sexting partners across several internet discussion boards and Facebook groups.  Some of these posts include names and personal information on the women in the photos as well rank and duty assignments of some of the women who were or are current service members.  The Department of Defense is conducting an investigation into the existence of these internet posts to determine whether criminal prosecution of any of the men involved is possible.  Now, Congress has become involved in the issue.  During the Senate's hearings, this past Tuesday, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand made a splash as she spoke harshly to Marine General Robert Neller.  The Honorable Mrs. Gillibrand called the General's testimony "unacceptable" as he was unable to point to a commander or officer who had been found guilty of allowing such an atrocity to take place.  Who should be found guilty for allowing such an atrocity to take place?

Now, let us examine some ugly truths.

1.  The men looking at these photos on the internet are wrong.
"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.'  But I say to you that whoeer looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." - Jesus

2.  The Marines sharing these photos on the internet are wrong.
"Temptation to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come!  It would be better fro him if a milstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin." - Jesus

3.  The women who sent these photos to men they weren't married to are wrong.
  "It is what proceeds out of the man (or woman) that defiles the man (or woman).  For from witin, out of the heart of men (or women) proceed the eviil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting and wickedness, as well as deeit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride and foolishness.  All these evil things proceed from within and defile the man (or woman)." - Jesus

Those biblical truths cannot be escaped.  Of course, we sure have tried. This whole scandal is a result of our culture raising an entire generation to value freedom from sexual consequence.  We have taught the young people of this generation that there is nothing wrong with pornography.  We have said that it does not inherently devalue women in the eyes of the men who look at it.  We have said that the 30% of women in America who view pornography on a weekly basis are in no way inhibiting their abilities to make moral decisions.  We have said that by releasing them from their inhibitions we are empowering them.  We have said that doing what God says not to should have no consequences.

We have taught them that there is nothing wrong with premarital sex and consequently having multiple sexual partners throughout the course of their lives.  We have taught that sexual promiscuity is desirable and divorce is acceptable while lifelong monogamy is mythical and to be derided.  We have said that calling sex liberating instead of sacred will in no way negatively impact our society as a whole.  We have said that doing what God says not to should have no consequences.

We (as a society) have said that God is not the Absolute Moral Judge when it comes to sex.  The problem then comes down to where we as a society draw the line.  This is the issue with graduated morals and slippery slopes: People fall down.

I know what moral liberalism's argument is.  They would say that the issue here is not one of God or moral absolutes but one of consent.  They would say that the women in these photos consented for the men to keep these photos for personal use only and therefore the men had no right to post them to the internet.  The thought being that a person has the right to place limits on how their image is to be used even after they give it to someone else.  I would say that I am using the same argument.

"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." - God

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