
What the Pope Doesn't Know About Marriage

Marriage…Marriage is what brings us together today.  The Princess Bride has some of my favorite quotable lines from any movie.  However, the sermon issued during the wedding which gives us the very title of the movie contains perhaps the greatest line. 

“Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...”

Image result for princess bride marriage

These words of the comically inept clergyman in the big funny hat ring hilarious because of the context they are bumbled in.  I assume when William Golding wrote the line he intended the reaction to be laughter.  He succeeded.  Now I would like to turn your attention to some other words about marriage bumbled forth by an inept clergyman in a funny hat.  Unfortunately, I don’t believe these words were intended to be funny.  They certainly aren’t.

According to Michelle Boorstein of the Washington Post, Pope Francis has issued a shocking statement about marriage.  In her article, dated June 17th, she quotes Pope Francis as saying, “[People] don’t know that [marriage] is indissoluble, they don’t know that it’s for your entire life.  It’s hard”.  The pontiff’s conclusion then is that “the great majority,” of Catholic marriages are religiously null because people don’t understand what they are getting themselves into.

How foolish.  Here this man, who claims to speak for God, would teach that morality is relative.  He claims that what is right or wrong is based upon and individual’s understanding of it.  Let’s keep everyone holy.  Using this logic, the best thing the Pope could do would be to stop teaching what the Bible says.  Then no one would sin because no one would know what sin is.

Relative morality is nothing new.  It’s accepted abundance in the church is.  Paul predicted this apostasy.  He explained why and how it would come about.  Peter and John did also.  Of course, you’d have to read the Bible to know that.  On second thought, maybe the best thing the Pope could do really would be to stop teaching what the Bible says.

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